Welcome to the world of ! (WIP)

I'm not entirely sure what I'm gonna put here, honestly. I'm just winging it. Maybe I'll put some of my Minecraft stuff here.

UPDATE: I'm back baby. I'm probably gonna try to make this multiple pages so I can use it properly and it doesn't look like dogshit when I post. Also, I've started playing on a different version of Minecraft, 1.8.9, with Biomes O' Plenty and Pam's HarvestCraft. I'll post pictures of new builds after fixing my code.

All the starter text that's still here is here because I don't want to delete it until I've used it easily.

Here's my tumblr.

Potential separate page (VERY WIP)

Here's how you can make italic text.

Here's a picture of one of my Minecraft builds:

default neocities logo a light pink and light blue house in a minecraft world, with a flat roof, a mini roof lower down, and framed glass windows. This is a modded copy of minecraft.

Some stuff I'm into:

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